Friday, July 6, 2012

Totally Random

Yep. A whole post of totally random pics from the last several months. Enjoy!!

David met Eli Manning backstage at a "Get Motivated" event he went to for work.

Kyler is obsessed with shoes ... except he doesn't like to wear them on his feet. He always puts them on his hands and crawls around. Silly boy!

We had our friends, the Pews, come over for dinner, games, and smores. This is the only picture we took that night. Wish we had gotten more! It was lots of fun! You can't see it in this picture, but Kyler oozed marshmallow spit all over daddy's head. Good thing he has no hair! ;)

We went to Seven Peaks with David's family to celebrate his sister, Sherri's, birthday. These are the only 2 pictures we took that day. Kyler covered in Cheeto's cheese after lunch. It was tons of fun! I hadn't been there in years. We really need to do better at taking more pictures ...

Allyson came down stairs after insisting on getting herself ready all by herself for the day. She had put a post it on her clothes that read, "Allyson got ready all by myself". I'm really glad she put that disclaimer on there. haha ;) I really do think she did a pretty good job, though.

Soon after moving to our new house, our ward had a talent show. Our new friends, Janae and Doug Pew, and I played a few fiddle songs for it (Janae and I on the fiddle. Doug on the guitar). Janae is a violin/fiddle rock star. Allyson and I are now taking violin lessons from her. Kind of excited about that! Again ... the only picture that got taken that night. Ya, we ... COUGH, COUGH, David really bad at pulling out that camera.

Got ice cream?

There are no real words for this picture. lol

... or this picture, either.

One of David's many claims to fame. Marrying me is one of them. ;) A personal letter written to him from Doug Conant, the former CEO of Campbell's Soup Company.


You know you've failed as a mother for the day when you look across the dinner table and see THIS. At least she's happy!

Katelyn wearing her little brother's clothes ... and they fit!

Kyler leaving the nest ... I mean, riding a bike for the first time. Feels like he's leaving the nest, though! He's growing up way too fast. sniffle sniffle :'(

Homemade princess tiaras.

Katelyn put herself to sleep in Kyler's crib. I think she misses being the baby sometimes.

Real boys play dress up.

Sunday afternoon camera sillies. :)

Sometimes I make David or Allyson take a picture of me,just so we know that I was really there. I'm almost always the one behind the camera, otherwise we don't get many pictures. :)

1 comment:

tiff snedaker said...

Lol, never a dull moment at your house, right? I love the pic where your girls are in the same shirt, ha. Funny, we met Eli Manning a few weeks before David did. He must get around. :)