Thursday, January 10, 2013

Allyson's Halloween Party

In October, Allyson had a Halloween party to get to know some of the kids in our ward. She invited all the kids from her primary class at church and a few of the kids who live around our house. The street we live on doesn't have very many houses on it and we're a little separated from the rest of the ward where we're at, so it's made it hard for my kids to get to know and play with other kids in the ward. We thought a party would be a great way for them to get to know each other a little better.

The kids had a BLAST!! And planning the party was super fun too! :)

I had all the kids wear name tags so I could get to know their names for inviting them over for future play dates. One kid asked me why they had to wear name tags and I told him it was so they could all learn each other's names. He quickly pointed out to me, "but we all already know each others names!" ... ok, kid, you got me on that one. ;)

All the pictures are a little jumbled up. Sorry.

The invitation.

Cookie decorating.

We played a game where we would play halloween music and the kids would bounce the balloons up in the air. While the music was playing, I would whisper a couple of colors in David's ear. Once the music stopped they would all grab a balloon that's close to them and David would tell them the 2 colors I whispered to him. If they were holding that color of balloon, they were out. It would keep going until there was only one kid left and they would get to pick a prize out of the prize bucket. They played this game over and over again - they loved it!

They separated into to teams and raced to see who could wrap their mummy with a roll of toilet paper the fastest.

The winners of the mummy wrap!

They played pass the pumpkin. David turned on Halloween music and faced the wall, so he couldn't see the kids. He would randomly stop the music and whichever kid was holding the pumpkin when the music stopped was out. The last one in the game got a prize. They played this several times - it was also a favorite!

A pass the pumpkin winner.

Another pass the pumpkin winner.

And another pass the pumpkin winner.

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