Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bye Bye Pews

A few weeks after we moved to our new neighborhood in April, we met the Pews. Well ... I met Janae Pew, anyway - the rest of the Pew fam came later. :) We discovered we both play the violin (although, she is a faaaaaaaar better player than I'll ever be) and we played some fiddle tunes for our ward talent show together with her husband accompanying on the guitar. We were friends from then on. The kids and I spent a good chunk of the summer hanging out with Janae and her kids. We spent a lot of time at parks and splash parks, we hiked to the Timp Caves a couple of times, and we had a few late night game nights with our hubbies while the kids all played together, too.

Of course, as always, the good ones always move away. :( Left to Kentucky in August for a job offer.

We miss you, Pews! Thank heavens we're both texters. :)

Unfortunately, we didn't take very many pictures while they were here. :/

We had to send them off right. Janae and I went out for a girls night and got pedicures. And the night before they left we sneakily put a poster board note filled with candy on their car. We couldn't let them leave without a picture to remember us by, either, so we posed for the camera with some twizzlers pull n peels so they could remember how dorky we are, haha. :)

And a picture never before seen by ANYONE ... except us. David wouldn't let my put it on the poster board for them. I was bummed ... but who says I can't put it on the blog? hehehe ;)

Ya ... we're nerds like that.


Lindsay and Mike said...

Looks like you guys have been up to all sorts of fun!

Janae said...

I love you crazy nerds. And who'da thunk that twizzlers could be so entertaining? That candy got us through a LONG car drive across the country. You are the best!

P.S. Tell David that photo is classic and it's going on our fridge. :)